
Using this file, create a drop event on the server.

Maximum Drop events is 10. Explanation Section 0: Section 0 receives the schedule settings, date and time at which each drop event will occur. Index = Event index, you can repeat the same number to create different drop event times. Year = Fill in the year you want the event to happen, leave " * " if you want every year. Month = Fill in the month you want the event to happen, leave * if you want every month. Day = Fill in the day of the month you want the event to happen, leave * if you want every day. DoW = Day of the week that the event should take place, from 1 for Sunday to 7 for Saturday, put " * " if you want it to happen every day of the week. Hour = Time when the event should take place, fill in from 0 hours to 23 hours, mandatory to define a value. Minute = Minute in which the event should happen, fill in from 0 minutes to 59 minutes, mandatory to define a value. Second = Second in which the event should happen, fill in from 0 seconds to 59 seconds, mandatory to define a value. Explanation Section 1: Section 1 receives the settings for each drop event. Index = Event number, according to the number indicated in section 0. Name = Event name, this name will appear in the warning message. DropMap = Map number where the drop event will take place. DropX = X coordinate at which the drop event will occur. DropY = Y coordinate at which the drop event will occur. DropRange = Radius, distance at which items randomly fell from X and Y. AlarmTime = Time in minutes for the notice that the event will start. EventTime = Time in minutes for the duration of the event, try to fill it so that all items on the list in section 2 have time to be dropped. Explanation Section 2: Section 2 receives the drop item settings. Index = Event number, according to the number indicated in section 0. ItemIndex = Calculated index of the item as per the example below. ItemLevel = Item level. DropCount = Amount of the item that will drop. DropDelay = Time between this and the next drop. Item index calculation ItemIndex = ( ( Section x 512 ) + Item ) - Section and Item from Item.txt

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