Mu Server Side
OnUserWalk(aIndex, UserX, UserY)
aIndex = User Index. UserX = User Position X. UserY = User Position Y. Return 1 for block walk or 0 for allow walk.
OnUserExperience(aIndex, Level, MasterLevel, Reset, MasterReset, Map, MapX, MapY, Experience)
aIndex = User Index. Level = User Level. MasterLevel = User Master Level. Reset = User Reset. MasterReset = User Master Reset. Map = User Map . MapX = User Position X. MapY = User Position Y. Experience = User Experience Gains. return Experience Get and manipulate Experience, return should be Experience, if -1 becomes default.
OnMonsterDieGiveItem(aIndex, bIndex, Map, MapX, MapY, ItemIndex, Money)
aIndex = Index of the monster that died. bIndex = player index. Map = Map where the monster died. MapX = position X on the map. MapY = Y position on the map. ItemIndex = Returns the Item Index, or -1 if Money is different from -1. Money = Returns the Money Value, or -1 if ItemIndex is different from -1. "This bridge is used to control the drop of a specific mob, being able to cancel the drop and then do a manual drop."
Return 1 prevents the monster from dropping the item / zen, return 0 releases the item / zen from dropping
OnSQLAsyncResult(resultTable, label, param, result) resultTable = If the query is a select, it returns a table containing the select information, with the table keys being the names of the columns in the select. label = Returns the Identification received from the SQLAsyncQuery function. param = Additional parameter, such as a label, is received to serve as query identifier in the callback. result = 0 is query failed, 1 is query successful. "If type(resultTable) == "number" then the query is an insert/delete, if type(resultTable) == "table" the query is a select." Used to return results in a processing queue, it only works in conjunction with the SQLAsyncQuery function.
OnUserDamage(aIndex, bIndex, Damage, Skill, Combo, DmgFlag) aIndex = User Index (Attacker). bIndex = Object Index (Target). Damage = Returns the value of damage dealt. Skill = Returns the skill used. Combo = Return 1 for combo and 0 for common attack. DmgFlag = 0 - Common (Yellow) | 1 - Ignore (Light blue) | 2 - Excellent (Green) | 3 - Critical (Blue) | 64 - Double (Yellow) | 128 - Combo (Yellow) | 129 - Combo + Ignore (Light blue) | 130 - Combo + Excellent | 131 - Combo + Critical (Blue) | 256 - Triple (Yellow) | 257 - Triple + Ignore (Light blue) | 258 - ... (Green). return Damage If return -1 = Miss
OnCommandManager(aIndex, code, arg) aIndex = User index. code = Command index. arg = Command parameters. Called after a user types a valid command, must return (1) if the command is valid, (0) if not.
OnCommandDone(aIndex, code) aIndex = User index. code = Command index. Called after a user execute valid command.
OnCharacterEntry(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Called after a user enters the game with a character.
OnCharacterClose(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Called after a user leaves the game with a character.
OnNpcTalk(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = NPC index. bIndex = User index. Called after a user talks with a NPC, must return (0) if the talk is successful, (1) if not.
OnMonsterDie(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = Monster index (victim). bIndex = User index (killer). Called after a monster dies.
OnUserDie(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = User index (victim). bIndex = Object index (killer). Called after a user dies.
OnUserRespawn(aIndex, KillerType) aIndex = User index. KillerType = 0 - Monster | 1 - User | 2 - GuildWar | 3 - Duel. Called when a user is going to respawn.
OnCheckUserTarget(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = User index (attacker). bIndex = User index (target). Called on the attack target verification, must return (1) if the target can be attacked, (0) if not.
OnCheckUserKiller(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = User index (killer). bIndex = User index (victim). Called on the player killer verification, must return (1) if the killer is going to recieve PK status, (0) if not.
OnUserItemPick(aIndex, Index) aIndex = User index. Index = Item slot. Called on item pick, must return (1) if the item can be picked, (0) if not.
OnUserItemDrop(aIndex, Slot, x, y) aIndex = User index. Slot = Item slot. x = Item drop position x. y = Item drop position y. Called on item drop, must return (1) if the item can be dropped, (0) if not.
OnUserItemMove(aIndex, aFlag, aSlot, bFlag, bSlot) aIndex = User index. aFlag = Item source flag. aSlot = Item source slot. bFlag = Item target flag. bSlot = Item target slot. FlagList: 0 - Inventory | 1 - Trade | 2 - Warehouse | 3 - Chaos Box | 4 - Personal Shop | 5~20 - Chaos Box | 21 - Event Inventory | 22 - Muun Inventory. Called on item move, must return (1) if the item can be moved, (0) if not.
OnCommandManagerDirect(aIndex, str) Called when player type /command, can be used for create direct commands instead declare him at Commands.txt
OnUserMove(aIndex, Map) Called when a player move to another map (M Window or /move), must return (0) if allow move, (1) if not.
OnPacketRecv(aIndex, Str) aIndex = User index. Str = Information in text format. Used to receive text string from client side (send) function.
OnUserLevelUp(aIndex, Level) aIndex = User index. Level = User level. return -1 = Returns the normal amount of points defined on the GameServer. return 0 = Blocks earning points per level. return value = Determines a specific value of points per level. Used to modify point gains per level or master level
OnReadScript() Called once at GameServer initialization.
OnShutScript() Called once before script reload.
OnTimerThread() Called every 1 second, can be used as a timer.
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