Version 2.0

Changelog Version 2.0

FIXES: Fixed the use of Custom Jewelry in the original RF Capes. Fixed First Excellent Weapon in Custom NPC Item. Fixed double-click in the user selector of SaveLogin. Fixed the "Reload Terrain" message in the display. Fixed the Indulgence Item (13,60) that did not remove PK levels. Fixed "Magic Gladiator Card" and "Dark Lord Card" (13,97) and (13,98). Fixed PARTY HEAL SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed BLESS SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed BLIND SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed EARTH SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed IRON DEFENSE SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed BLOOD HOWLING SKILL SETTINGS in Skill.dat. Fixed CUSTOM ONLINE LOTTERY SETTINGS in Custom.dat. Fixed Buy and Sell messages in ItemValue.txt. Fixed the buggy effect when using DarkHorse. Fixed the lightning effect of Fenrir in Arena. Fixed Erohim's Skill not being on the Land of Trials map. Fixed Remaster Command 1 2 or 3 returning full points. Fixed missing skilltree textures. Fixed CustomMix not exceeding 255. Fixed character movement when opening the CEffect window. Fixed incompatibility with HideCursorClickEffect . Fixed ItemSetDropRate of EventItemBags. Fixed NPC animation with Custom Monster. Fixed NewMap12.tga texture loading. Fixed invasion messages on GameServer Display. Fixed Auto Reset with automatic addition of points. Fixed reading empty lines in Message. Fixed bold texts in the ChaosMix window. Fixed Dark Lord having two hairs. Fixed the /remaster 1 2 3 command Fixed memory accumulation when using /reload lua Fixed Teleport Ally on self Fixed zen requeriment of Command.txt commands LUA FIXES: Fixed the ItemToolTip() function that caused a crash. [Main Side] Fixed the PartyGetMemberIndex() function that only returned -1. [MuServer Side] Fixed the OnUserLevelUp bridge that was returning 1 when not in use. [MuServer Side] Fixed ScriptCore OnCommandManagerDirect bridge for Multi Calls. [MuServer Side] Fixed OnUserRespaw bridge conflicting with DeathGate. [MuServer Side] Fixed Bridge OnUserMove double call. [MuServer Side] Fixed the DrawBarBorder() function that did not have SetBlend. [Main Side] Fixed the GetMonsterName() function for custom monster [Main Side] Fixed the MonsterCreate() function with a new column for Range. [MuServer Side] NEWS: Maximum BOT BUFFER increased to MAX 40. Start Invasion in Display increased to 30. Reorganization of Display to show 30 invasions. Removed support for 640x480 resolution. Mapa 40 released for use by OffHelper through MapManager.

New Option to disable ShieldDamage "SD" on GameServer New Column InvasionName in InvasionManager.dat New function [Custom Item Description] New function [Custom Item Title Color] New columns "Replace and Accumulate" in Effects.txt New function ["PLUS MIX" - ITEM BREAK OPTIONS] New function [JEWELRY MIXING / DISMANTLING [LAHAP]] New functions (4 and 8) for the Option column in the advanced EventBag New column RewardValue3 in CustomMonster.txt New column AllowStore in ItemMove.txt New function [REMOVE LEVEL DIFFERENCE BY CLASS TO MOVE] New options for REWARD and REWARDALL in Command.dat New ItemLevelName.txt for OffHelper and others New Lua Script in panel - Account Lock NEWS LUA: OnUserDamage [Bridge - MuServer Side] PartyCreate() [Function - MuServer Side] PartyDestroy() [Function - MuServer Side] PartyAddMember() [Function - MuServer Side] PartyDelMember() [Function - MuServer Side] GetItemLevelName() [Function - MuServer Side]

LuaWorkSS [Bridge - Main Side] LuaWorkSC [Bridge - Main Side] GetPrivateProfileIntA() [Function - Main Side] GetPrivateProfileStringA() [Function - Main Side] WritePrivateProfileString() [Function - Main Side] RemovePrivateProfileKeyA() [Function - Main Side] RemovePrivateProfileSectionA() [Function - Main Side] GetAllKeysInSection() [Function - Main Side] NewSkillInstance() [Function - Main Side] ViewMaxHP() [Function - Main Side] ViewCurHP() [Function - Main Side] ViewMaxMP() [Function - Main Side] ViewCurMP() [Function - Main Side] ViewMaxSD() [Function - Main Side] ViewCurSD() [Function - Main Side] ViewMaxBP() [Function - Main Side] ViewCurBP() [Function - Main Side] IsBuffPoison() [Function - Main Side] IntDescriptionValue() [Function - Main Side] GetSelectedChar() [Function - Main Side] SetSelectedChar() [Function - Main Side] GetCharDirection() [Function - Main Side] SetCharDirection() [Function - Main Side] GetTickCount() [Function - Main Side] GetSelectedClass() [Function - Main Side] GetSelectedName() [Function - Main Side] GetNumberWindows() [Function - Main Side] PlayerTarget() [Function - Main Side] GetDyingTime() [Function - Main Side] GetAnimationID() [Function - Main Side]

Last updated