Mu Server Side
MoneyDrop(Map, MapX, MapY, Money) Map = Map number. MapX = Location X on the map. MapY = Location Y on the map. Money = Amount of money that will drop. Drops an amount of zen at a location on the map.
SetObjectSkillBlockTime(aIndex, aValue, bValue) aIndex = User Index. aValue = Skill ID. bValue = Optional Time for Block. Block a specific skill from a specific character for a specific time.
SQLAsyncQuery(label, query, param) label = Identification, used to distinguish the query commands passed to the processing queue. query = SQL Query. param = Parameter for labeling. "Optional" Sends the Query command to the SQL Async processing queue.
GetItemLevelName(Index, Level) Index = ( 512 x Section ) + Index. Level = Item Level. Returns the Level item name from the ItemLevelName.txt file.
PartyCreate(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Return (1) if success, (0) otherwise.
PartyDestroy(aValue) aValue = Party index. Return (1) if success, (0) otherwise.
PartyAddMember(aValue, aIndex) aValue = Party index. aIndex = User Index. Add user to the selected party, return (1) if success, (0) otherwise.
PartyDelMember(aValue, aIndex) aValue = Party index. aIndex = User Index. Delete user from the selected party, return (1) if success, (0) otherwise.
GetMapName(Map) Map = Map index. Return the GetMapName string
GetObjectOfflineFlag(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return the GetObjectOfflineFlag string Return OffAttack / OffHelper / OffStore
GetObjectHardwereId(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return the GetObjectHardwareId string
GetObjectPassword(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return the LuaGetObjectPassword string
GetMonsterName(Monster) Monster = Monster index. Return the GetMonsterName string
GetItemName(Item) Item = ( 512 x Section ) + Index. Return the GetItemName string
GetCustomerName() Return the CustomerName string
GetSpecialCode() Return the SpecialCode Value
NoticeSendToAllLang(aIndex, aArray, ...) aIndex = Object index. aArray = Array witch 3 languages. ... = Maximum 5 parameters. Automatically selects the Array language and adds parameters
GetUserLanguage(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Returns 0 for Eng, 1 for Por and 2 for Spn.
SendTimeLimit(aIndex, Time, Msg) aIndex = Object index. Time = Time limit. Msg = Message to display at client. This function will start a timer on the client with a degressive value whose time is informed.
GetTickCount() This function returns amount of time that your system has been running in milliseconds. By comparing two values of getTickCount, you can determine how much time has passed (in milliseconds) between two events. This could be used to determine how efficient your code is, or to time how long a player takes to complete a task.
GetMaxIndex() Return object final index.
GetMinUserIndex() Return user start index.
GetMaxUserIndex() Return user final index.
GetMinMonsterIndex() Return monster start index.
GetMaxMonsterIndex() Return monster final index.
GetGameServerCode() Return Game Server server code.
GetGameServerVersion() Return Game Server version number.
GetGameServerProtocol() Return Game Server protocol (0=Kor/1=Eng/2=Jpn/3=Chs/4=Tai/5=Phi).
GetGameServerCurUser() Return Game Server current users.
GetGameServerMaxUser() Return Game Server maximum users.
GetObjectConnected(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object connection state.
GetObjectIpAddress(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object ip address.
GetObjectType(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object type.
GetObjectAccount(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object account.
GetObjectName(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object name.
GetObjectPersonalCode(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object personal code.
GetObjectClass(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object class.
GetObjectChangeUp(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object evolution.
GetObjectLevel(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object level.
GetObjectLevelUpPoint(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object level up points.
GetObjectMoney(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object zen amount.
GetObjectStrength(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object strength.
GetObjectDexterity(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object dexterity.
GetObjectVitality(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object vitality.
GetObjectEnergy(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object energy.
GetObjectLeadership(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object leadership.
GetObjectExtraStrength(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object extra strength.
GetObjectExtraDexterity(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object extra dexterity.
GetObjectExtraVitality(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object extra vitality.
GetObjectExtraEnergy(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object extra energy.
GetObjectExtraLeadership(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object extra leadership.
GetObjectDefaultStrength(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object default strength.
GetObjectDefaultDexterity(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object default dexterity.
GetObjectDefaultVitality(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object default vitality.
GetObjectDefaultEnergy(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object default energy.
GetObjectDefaultLeadership(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object default leadership.
GetObjectLive(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object live state.
GetObjectLife(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current life.
GetObjectMaxLife(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object maximum life.
GetObjectMana(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current mana.
GetObjectMaxMana(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object maximum mana.
GetObjectBP(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current BP.
GetObjectMaxBP(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object maximum BP.
GetObjectShield(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current SD.
GetObjectMaxShield(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object maximum SD.
GetObjectPKCount(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object PK count.
GetObjectPKLevel(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object PK level.
GetObjectPKTimer(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object PK timer.
GetObjectMap(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current map.
GetObjectMapX(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current position X.
GetObjectMapY(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object current position Y.
GetObjectAuthority(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object authority value.
GetObjectPartyNumber(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object party number.
GetObjectGuildNumber(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object guild number.
GetObjectGuildStatus(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object guild status.
GetObjectGuildName(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object guild name.
GetObjectGuildRelationship(aIndex, bIndex) aIndex = Object index. bIndex = Target index. Return object guild relationship with target (0=None/1=Ally/2=Rival).
GetObjectGuildUnionNumber(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object guild union number.
GetObjectGuildUnionName(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object guild union name.
GetObjectChange(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object transformation number.
GetObjectInterface(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object interface state.
GetObjectMasterLevel(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object master level.
GetObjectMasterPoint(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object master point.
GetObjectAccountLevel(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object account level.
GetObjectAccountExpireDate(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object account expire date.
GetObjectReset(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object reset amount.
GetObjectMasterReset(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object master reset amount.
GetObjectGensRank(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object gens global rank.
GetObjectGensSymbol(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object gens patent symbol number.
GetObjectGensFamily(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object gens family (0=None/1=Varnert/2=Duprian).
GetObjectGensContribution(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object gens contribution amount.
GetObjectCSGuildSide(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object Castle Siege guild side.
GetObjectOfflineFlag(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Return object offline flag (0=Online/1=Off-Attack/Off-Helper/Off-Store).
GetObjectIndexByName(aString) aString = Object name. Return object index.
SetObjectLevel(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Level value. Define object level.
SetObjectLevelUpPoint(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Level up point value Define object level up point.
SetObjectMoney(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Zen value. Define object zen amount.
SetObjectStrength(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Strength value. Define object strength.
SetObjectDexterity(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Dexterity value. Define object dexterity.
SetObjectVitality(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Vitality value. Define object vitality.
SetObjectEnergy(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Energy value. Define object energy.
SetObjectLeadership(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Leadership value. Define object leadership.
SetObjectChatLimitTime(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Limit time value, in seconds. Define object chat limit time.
SetObjectPKCount(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = PK count value. Define object PK count.
SetObjectPKLevel(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = PK level value. Define object PK level.
SetObjectPKTimer(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = PK timer value. Define object PK timer.
SetObjectMap(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Map value. Define object current map.
SetObjectMapX(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Position X value. Define object current position X.
SetObjectMapY(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Position Y value. Define object current position Y.
SetObjectMasterLevel(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Master level value. Define object master level.
SetObjectMasterPoint(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Master point value. Define object master point.
ChatTargetSend(aIndex, bIndex, aString) aIndex = NPC index. bIndex = User index. aString = Message. Selected NPC talks to the chosen User.
CommandCheckGameMasterLevel(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. bValue = Game Master level. Return (1) if the user have the chosen level, (0) if not.
CommandGetArgNumber(aString, aValue) aString = Command parameter. aValue = Parameter position. Return as number the parameter of the chosen position.
CommandGetArgString(aString, aValue) aString = Command parameter. aValue = Parameter position. Return as string the parameter of the chosen position.
CommandSend(aIndex, aString) aIndex = User index. aString = Command Syntax. Return a command as if it had been typed.
ConfigReadNumber(aString, bString, cString) aString = Configuration group name. bString = Configuration name. cString = Configuration file path. Return as number the chosen configuration.
ConfigReadString(aString, bString, cString) aString = Configuration group name. bString = Configuration name. cString = Configuration file path. Return as string the chosen configuration.
ConfigSaveString(aString, bString, cString, dString) aString = Configuration group name. bString = Configuration name. cString = Configuration value. dString = Configuration file path.
EffectAdd(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue, eValue, fValue, gValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Effect mode. bValue = Effect index. cValue = Effect duration, in seconds. dValue = Effect value 1. eValue = Effect value 2. fValue = Effect value 3. gValue = Effect value 4. Add to the object the chosen effect.
EffectDel(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Effect index. Remove from the object the chosen effect.
EffectCheck(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = Object index. aValue = Effect index. Return (1) if the object have the chosen effect, (0) if not.
EffectClear(aIndex) aIndex = Object index. Remove from the object all effects.
FireworksSend(aIndex, aValue, bValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Position X. bValue = Position Y. Send fireworks effect to the chosen position.
InventoryGetWearSize() Return wear inventory max slot.
InventoryGetMainSize() Return main inventory max slot.
InventoryGetFullSize() Return full inventory max slot.
InventoryGetItemTable(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Slot number. Return the item attribute table from the chosen inventory slot. Table elements: Serial, Index, Level, Durability, Option1, Option2, Option3, NewOption, SetOption, JoHOption, 380Option, SocketOption1, SocketOption2, SocketOption3, SocketOption4, SocketOption5, SocketOptionBonus, PeriodicTime, PeriodicTimeConvert, PeriodicTimeRemain, PeriodicTimeRemainConvert.
InventoryGetItemIndex(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Slot number. Return the item index from the chosen inventory slot.
InventoryGetItemCount(aIndex, aValue, bValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Item index. bValue = Item level (-1 any level). Return the amount of the chosen item in the user inventory.
InventoryDelItemIndex(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Slot number. Remove the item from the chosen inventory slot.
InventoryDelItemCount(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Item index. bValue = Item level (-1 any level). cValue = Item Amount. Remove from the user inventory the chosen item.
InventoryGetFreeSlotCount(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Return the amount of free slots in the user inventory.
InventoryCheckSpaceByItem(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Item index. Return (1) if the item fits in the user inventory, (0) if not.
InventoryCheckSpaceBySize(aIndex, aValue, bValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Item Width. bValue = Item Height. Return (1) if the item fits in the user inventory, (0) if not.
ItemDrop(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Map number. bValue = Map position X. cValue = Map position Y. dValue = EventItemBag SpecialValue. Drop at the chosen position an item from an EventItemBag.
ItemDropEx(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue, eValue, fValue, gValue, hValue, iValue, jValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Map number. bValue = Map position X. cValue = Map position Y. dValue = Item index. eValue = Item level. fValue = Item Durability. gValue = Item Option1. hValue = Item Option2. iValue = Item Option3. jValue = Item NewOption. kValue = Item SetOption (OPTIONAL). lValue = Item JoHOption (OPTIONAL). mValue = Item 380Option (OPTIONAL). nValue = Item SocketOption1 (OPTIONAL). oValue = Item SocketOption2 (OPTIONAL). pValue = Item SocketOption3 (OPTIONAL). qValue = Item SocketOption4 (OPTIONAL). rValue = Item SocketOption5 (OPTIONAL). sValue = Item SocketOptionBonus (OPTIONAL). tValue = Item Duration (OPTIONAL). uValue = Item owner index (OPTIONAL). Drop at the chosen position the chosen item.
ItemGive(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = EventItemBag SpecialValue. Insert to the user inventory an item from an EventItemBag.
ItemGiveEx(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue, eValue, fValue, gValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Item index. bValue = Item level. cValue = Item durability. dValue = Item Option1. eValue = Item Option2. fValue = Item Option3. gValue = Item NewOption. hValue = Item SetOption (OPTIONAL). iValue = Item JoHOption (OPTIONAL). jValue = Item 380Option (OPTIONAL). kValue = Item SocketOption1 (OPTIONAL). lValue = Item SocketOption2 (OPTIONAL). mValue = Item SocketOption3 (OPTIONAL). nValue = Item SocketOption4 (OPTIONAL). oValue = Item SocketOption5 (OPTIONAL). pValue = Item SocketOptionBonus (OPTIONAL). qValue = Item Duration (OPTIONAL). Insert to the user inventory the chosen item.
LevelUpSend(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Update the user level at the client.
LogPrint(aString) aString = Text. Insert to the log the chosen text.
LogColor(aValue, aString) aValue = Color (0 - Black | 1 - Red | 2 - Green | 3 - Blue). aString = Text. Insert to the GameServer window log the chosen text.
MapCheckAttr(aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue) aValue = Map number. bValue = Map position X. cValue = Map position Y. dValue = Terrain attribute (1 - Safe Zone | 2 - Stand | 4 - Invalid | 8 - Invalid | 16 - Invalid). Return (1) if the chosen position has the attribute, (0) if not.
MapGetItemTable(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Slot number. Return the item attribute table from the chosen map slot. Table elements: Serial, Index, Level, Durability, Option1, Option2, Option3, NewOption, SetOption, JoHOption, 380Option, SocketOption1, SocketOption2, SocketOption3, SocketOption4, SocketOption5, SocketOptionBonus.
MasterLevelUpSend(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Update the user master level at the client.
MasterSkillTreeRebuild(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Group number (0=All /1~3=Columns). Reset the chosen master skill tree group.
MessageGet(aValue, bValue) aValue = Message index. bValue = Language. Return the chosen message from "Message.txt".
MoneySend(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Zen amount. Update the user zen at the client.
MonsterCreate(aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue, eValue, fValue) aValue = Monster number. bValue = Map number. cValue = Map position X. dValue = Map position Y. eValue = Turn direction. fValue = Range the monster will walk. "Neither a value or 0 for NPC." "Se o monstro aparecer na poção errada, ele retornará 0." Put a monster at the chosen position.
MonsterDelete(aIndex) aIndex = Monster index. Remove the chosen monster.
MonsterSummonCreate(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue, eValue, fValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Monster number. bValue = Extra life rate. cValue = Extra defense rate. dValue = Extra defense success rate. eValue = Extra damage rate. fValue = Extra damage success rate. Add the chosen summon monster to the user.
MonsterSummonDelete(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Remove the monster summon from the user.
MoveUser(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Gate number. Move the user to the chosen gate.
MoveUserEx(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Map number. bValue = Map position X. cValue = Map position Y. Move the user to the chosen position.
MessageSend(aIndex, aValue, bValue, aString) aIndex = User index. aValue = Type (0 - Text Box | 1 - Chat Text). bValue = Message color (1 - Common | 2 - Whisper | 3 - System | 4 - Error | 5 - Party | 6 - Guild | 7 - Warning | 8 - GameMaster | 9 - Gens). aString = Message. Send a message to the user.
MessageSendToAll(aValue, bValue, aString) aValue = Type. bValue = Message color (0=Chat/1=Whisper/2=Error/3=Party/4=Guild/5=Union/6=GameMaster). aString = Message. Send a message to the user.
NoticeSend(aIndex, aValue, aString) aIndex = User index. aValue = Message type (0=Global/1=System). aString = Message. Send a notice to the user.
NoticeSendToAll(aValue, aString) aValue = Message type (0=Global/1=System). aString = Message. Send a notice to all users in the room.
NoticeGlobalSend(aValue, aString) aValue = Message type (0=Global/1=System). aString = Message. Send a notice to all users in all rooms.
PartyGetMemberCount(aValue) aValue = Party index. Return the amount of users in the party.
PartyGetMemberIndex(aValue, bValue) aValue = Party index. bValue = Member slot. Return the index of the user at the chosen slot.
ObjectGetCoin(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Returns Coin1 (WCoinC), Coin2 (WCoinP), Coin3 (GoblinPoint), Coin4 (Ruud).
ObjectAddCoin(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Coin1 add amount. bValue = Coin2 add amount. cValue = Coin3 add amount. dValue = Coin3 add amount. Adds Coin to the user. Info: Coin1 (WCoinC), Coin2 (WCoinP), Coin3 (GoblinPoint), Coin4 (Ruud).
ObjectSubCoin(aIndex, aValue, bValue, cValue, dValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Coin1 sub amount. bValue = Coin2 sub amount. cValue = Coin3 sub amount. dValue = Coin3 sub amount. Subs Coin from the user. Info: Coin1 (WCoinC), Coin2 (WCoinP), Coin3 (GoblinPoint), Coin4 (Ruud).
PermissionCheck(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Permission number. Permission list: 1 = Move Item. 2 = Sell Item. 3 = Buy Item. 4 = Use Item. 5 = Drop Item. 6 = Pick Item. 7 = Open Trade. 8 = Open Personal Shop. 9 = Use Chaos Machine. 10 = Open Cash Shop / PCPoint. 11 = Use Chat. 12 = Move character. 13~49 = Empty for custom use. Return (1) if the user has the chosen permission, (0) if not.
PermissionInsert(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Permission number. Insert chosen permission to the user.
PermissionRemove(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Permission number. Remove chosen permission from the user.
PKLevelSend(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = PK level. Update the PK level at the client.
PostSend(aValue, bValue, aString, bString) aValue = Post type. bValue = Message index. aString = User name. bString = Message. Send a message in post format.
QuestStateCheck(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Quest number. Return (1) if the user has the chosen quest complete, (0) if not.
RandomGetNumber(aValue) aValue = Maximum number. Return a random value within the selected range.
SkinChangeSend(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Monster number. Transform the user to the chosen monster.
UserDisconnect(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Disconnect the user.
UserGameLogout(aIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Logout type (0 - Close Game | 1 - Select Char | 2 - Select Server). Logout the user.
UserCalcAttribute(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Update user attributes.
UserInfoSend(aIndex) aIndex = User index. Update user info at the client.
UserActionSend(aIndex, bIndex, aValue) aIndex = User index. bIndex = Target user index. aValue = Action number. User performs the chosen action.
UserSetAccountLevel(aIndex, aValue, bValue) aIndex = User index. aValue = Account level. bValue = Account expire time, in seconds. Set user account level.
SQLConnect(aString, bString, cString) aString = ODBC name. bString = MSSQL user. cString = MSSQL password. Connect to MSSQL database.
SQLDisconnect() Disconnect from MSSQL database.
SQLCheck() Return (1) if MSSQL is already connected, (0) if not.
SQLQuery(aString) aString = Query. Execute the query, return (0) if it fails.
SQLClose() Close the last query.
SQLFetch() Load the results of the last query, return (0) if it fails.
SQLGetResult(aValue) aValue = Result number. Return as number the chosen result.
SQLGetNumber(aString) aString = Column name. Return as number the chosen column.
SQLGetSingle(aString) aString = Column name. Return as float the chosen column.
SQLGetString(aString) aString = Column name. Return as string the chosen column.
Last updated